Sunday, May 16, 2010

Insanity- Week 9 Day 7- DAY 63 ROUND 1 COMPLETE!!!!

Wow, is this day really here??  Round 1 of Insanity is officially over!  I did my final Fit Test today so I can now take a little break & let my body heal up!!  I have so many emotions going through my head right now.  I'm slightly bummed 'cause I don't think my body looks that different since I started.  Sure, I can see some abs coming through, and I have some guns forming on my arms (small pistols right now LOL), but overall I wanted more dramatic results.  Now I know my diet wasn't great & that's a big part of it, but I was busting my ass 6 days a week!  But I'm not going to let that get me down!  I Dug Deep for over 9 weeks, pushed through injuries & completed a workout that most people will never even attempt to try!!  I set my mind to it & I did it!!  And for that I am thrilled!!  I feel stronger mentally as well as physically, even if my outer self doesn't show the full extent of that strength...YET!!  This is only the beginning & I will keep pushing forward!! are the final numbers from 1st Fit Test compared to the final one:

Switch Kicks: 52 --> 54
Power Jacks: 32 --> 46
Power Knees: 60 --> 102
Power Jumps: 15 --> 36
Globe Jumps: 5 --> 10
Suicide Jumps: 10 --> 13
Push-Up Jacks: 4 --> 20
Low Plank Obliques: 25 --> 65

Those numbers amaze me!!  Improvement all around!  Look how far I've come in a few short months!!  Looking foward to moving forward & continuing my life of fitness & exercise, and hopefully good eating, too.  I'm trying!  Although I am treating myself to a white pizza with eggplant for dinner tonight.  I deserve it!  :)

And to add icing to this wonderful day, I posted on Shaun T's wall on Facebook & he responded back to my comments!!  This is what he said: "Congrats KAREN!!!!  YOU WORKED HARD AND DUG DEEP!  THANK YOU FOR TRUSTING MY TOOL!  Keep digging deep.  There is no plateau as long as you progress mentally, the physicality will follow... AGAIN, CONGRATS!!!"  I don't think he has any idea how he touches us all.  He's such a busy man but yet he takes time out of his day to keep in touch with us on Facebook & to respond to our posts when he can!  It means so much to me!!  To have his direct support is what keeps me going!!  He's so accessible & is so supportive!  I knew I made the right choice when I picked this workout & more importantly Shaun T himself.  I knew he'd be the one to change my life!!

It's feeling kinda weird to be wrapping up my blog as well!  I never blogged before, and it was tough at times to keep up with the daily posts, but I did that, too!!  I'm thinking of turning my blog into a book & adding some of my pix along the journey to always remember this special time!  I will possibly continue to blog as I start the new Beachbody programs, even if not everyday, just to keep a log of what I did & how I'm feeling, etc...

In the meantime, the next two weeks or so will be for rest & to get back into running!  I committed today to run the half marathon again in September!  Didn't register, yet, but verbally committed to Jenn & Vira!  Can't back out now!  And I feel the need to have another accomplishment!  :)

To Shaun T, if you ever happen to read this, I just want you to know from the bottom of my heart what an amazing man you are!  You have inspired me to push places I've never gone before, and to try something I would have never thought I could do in the past!  You have changed my life & I hope to meet you someday to tell you in person how awesome you are!!  ♥

This is only the beginning...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Insanity- Week 9 Day 6- DAY 62!!!!

ONE...MORE...DAY!!!!  ROUND 1 INSANITY DONE!!!!  Final fit test tomorrow to come full circle & then I can rest for a few weeks & let my body fully recover from all the madness!!  I'll post my final fit test results tomorrow!  I did it, I really did it!!  Thank you Shaun Thompson from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for me!!  I'll be back for more & can't wait to enter the Asylum!!  ♥

I can't believe I have completed Insanity!!  Like the infomercial says "you will feel great knowing you accomplished something most people will never attempt to try".  Ain't that the truth!!  Not everyone can do Insanity!  It is the toughest thing I have ever done, but it was so addicting & fun & Shaun makes you want to keep going.  I pushed myself to places I have never gone before, and the funny thing is, I know I can push further!!  I want more & better results from my body so I will rest at least two weeks & then start some more Insanity while waiting for TurboFire to come out.  Then I will do that & try to work in some Insanity as well.  Can't totally give up my Shaun T!!  LOL  Then I will hopefully have my body ready for the Asylum when that comes out!!

I was a little emotional this morning.  I was so addicted that I flipped around until I found the Insanity infomercial.  I knew it was on & kept saying "I know it's on here somewhere".  Then I found it.  LOL  I got a little choked up when the people in the infomercial were talking about their success.  I've watched it several times before, but since I am at the end I could relate to what they were saying.  Sure, I don't look like they do, but I followed through with the whole program & gave it all I could the whole time!!  Their stories really touched me & I realized just how much this one man, Shaun T, has changed my life!!  I think I might actually be addicted to working out now.  Wow!!  Sure a lot of days it's a struggle to get it in, but I know how much better I feel after it's done!  And on the other hand, I know how lousy I feel if I don't work out!!  I hope to hold on to this feeling & keep moving forward & making exercise a part of my every day!!  I'm going to incorporate several Beachbody programs in the coming months & I hope to also get back into a more structured running schedule!!

Final fit test results will be posted tomorrow & I will be taking my final after shots!!  Then I can send in for my t-shirt!!!!  :)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ SHAUN T ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Friday, May 14, 2010

Insanity- Week 9 Day 5- 2 MORE DAYS!!!!

Wow, 2 more days until my Insanity graduation!  I'm so excited!  I need to have a party!  LOL  One more workout & then the final fit test!  Awesome!

I learned something today, too...even if I'm not noticing the big changes in my body yet from Insanity, I have become very disciplined to do my workout when in the past I would have just skipped it & given up!!  Ran some errands on my way home today & got home late.  I was gonna skip the workout & just eat diner & relax but instead I ROCKED Max Plyo!!  It's amazing to look at how much I have accomplished over the last 60+ days!!  I am committed to this program & I am committed to Shaun T & more importantly I am committed to myself!!  Maybe I am finally turning a corner & have begun my lifestyle change!!  Now if I could just incorporate my diet at the same time I'd be good to go!  For some reason I can do one or the other, not too good at doing both at the same time.  Eh, small steps!!

I'm going to try some new Beachbody programs in the next few month & will still incorporate some Insanity in there as well.  I'm looking into getting some weights so I can try the upper body weight training DVD.

Let the countdown begin...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Insanity- Week 9 Day 4

Comin' down the home stretch baby!!  Did Max Interval Sports Training today instead of Core Cardio & Balance.  It's a lot of fun because it doesn't feel like a workout.  Sure, you're moving & your heartrate is getting up, but it's sports moves & you don't keep doing intervals so it's always something different.  My body is soooo tired I found it hard to get through all of the exercises again, but I pushed through the best I could.  My HR monitor said I burned about 560 calories so that's not bad at all!!

Made a yummy results & recovery drink today, too.  I usually just use the two scoops with almond milk &/or water.  Today I used almond milk with a little FF milk & a bit of water.  Then I added a small amount (approx. 1/3) of a banana & a few drops of almond extract.  YUM-O!!!!  Never really knew what to mix with it but that is a very nice combo!!

I can't believe I only have two more workouts & then my last fit test & I will officially be done my first round of Insanity!!  It's been a long road but one well worth it!!  My body still needs more work, but I love how I feel overall.  It such an accomplishment after getting through a workout & knowing that I just did something special.  Not everyone can do this workout, so to do my best is much more than most out there.  I'm going to take about two weeks off & then start up another round.  I'll check what other Beachbody workouts are out by then as well.  I may try Turbo Fire as well, and when it's available you know I'm going to commit myself in The Asylum!!  Gulp...  Haha!!

Time to finish strong!  My body is running on empty but I'm ready to give the last few days my all & rock that last fit test!!!!

Insanity I come!!!!  :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Insanity- Week 9 Day 3

My nemesis MIC done today!  I was so tired when I got home today & really wasn't feeling ready to tackle this workout but I did!!  I even thought about switching up & doing recovery today & moving MIC to tomorrow.  But I decided to look it straight in the eye & get past it!  It was a bit difficult as usual but I made it through.  I felt strong at some points, and exhausted at others.  I guess that's the definition of Insanity!  :)

I did attempt more side suicide jumps today & did OK!!  I went slow & watched my form & didn't have too much pain in my rib muscle.  A little twinge, but hopefully that's healing up!!

I'm really not happy with my HR monitor!!  It seemed to be registering low, unless I wasn't pushing as hard.  But I swore at times my heart was pounding & it just had me above 100.  Said I did 515 for the workout when MIC is usually in the high 600s, close to 700!!!!  Well, it's a range for me so I'll just see what it says next time.  But I hate how it takes several tries to get a reading, 'cause then sometimes my HR has come down, too.  Humph...

Wow, recovery tomorrow then 2 more workouts before my final fit test!  How awesome!  I can't wait to send in for my t-shirt!!  :)

Digging deep y'all!!  ♥

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Insanity- Week 9 Day 2

Ugh, why do I feel like I'm going backwards??  Instead of wrapping up round 1 great & strong I am feeling like I'm worse off than when I began!  I've now had trouble getting through my workouts the last two days.  Yesterday it was max plyo & today it was max cardio conditioning & insane abs!!  Almost cried during all of them!!  I'm getting a little frustrated!  I'm nowhere near where I wanted, or thought, I'd be.  Humph.  I'm going to keep pushing forward & even do another round, but I just wanna know what's going on with me!!

Not happy...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Insanity- Week 9 Day 1

Hmm...well, I didn't like my effort today.  Wasn't able to dig deep like I wanted to.  Humph...why is the last week of round 1 so hard??  Well, I never pressed stop & made it through max interval plyo but I need to step it up!  Especially with all the crap I've been eating!!  :/

I did try to do more of the exercises, but I'm still not strong enough to do all of them.  Power push-ups just aren't happening & the level 3 drills are hard to keep up with the push-ups.  I do girlie ones still but even those I can't go that far down.  I hope to see some great improvements when I go through round 2!!

Tomorrow is a new day & I hope to able to bring it better than I did today!  And I really need to figure out how to get my eating back on track.  I'm just so drawn to all the bad foods again & I need to stop it!!  I'm loving my caprese salad I've been making lately so I just need to keep eating those fruits & veggies & really try to focus on keeping my carbs down!!

I won't let today get me down, but I will push forward tomorrow!